Angel Invest Boston

Tomer Amit and Sonia Berrih-Aknin - Biotech Vs. Depression



Angel Scale Biotech: Learn More Tomer Amit and Sonia Berrih-Aknin, PhD founded PreciseMent Health to target treatments for depression and bipolar disorder guided by protein markers associated with good outcomes. The work promises to address the great uncertainties that exist in current treatment practices. Truly a mind-expanding conversation with a compelling team. Sponsored by Purdue University entrepreneurship and Peter Fasse, patent attorney at Fish and Richardson. Highlights: Sal Daher Introduces Tomer Amit and Sonia Berrih-Aknin, PhD What PreciseMent Health is Solving "...Basically, you had a database of patient data, where the patient's response to treatment had been recorded. Then you took blood samples, and you analyzed to see if there were proteins that indicated certain treatments being more likely to lead to successful treatment than others..." "... Really, for the first time, we can say that we are identifying dependable biosignatures in the peripheral blood..." Dealing With Side Effects "... We