Dr. Westin Childs Podcast: Thyroid | Weight Loss | Hormones

All 10 Thyroid Lab Tests (Every Thyroid Patient Needs These)



Did you know that there are at least 10 different tests for your thyroid? Well, there are actually more but these 10 are by far the most important. If you are someone who is still feeling poorly despite taking thyroid medication or if you are someone who has been told that they are "normal" even though you don’t feel normal then this information is for you! It’s also helpful for pretty much anyone that wants to accurately assess thyroid function. These lab tests help provide information no how well your thyroid gland is functioning, how much free and active thyroid hormone is floating around in your body, how well your body is converting thyroid hormone, what your thyroid gland looks like, and whether or not your other tissues are utilizing it. If you’ve only been tested for your TSH or free T4 then I have good news for you! There are many additional tests that you can use and order which will shed more light on your thyroid function. As a thyroid patient, you will want to get these labs checked at le