Badass Business Podcast

EP294: Going to Peru, Ayahuasca, and My Four Year Study with Plant Medicine.



If you or someone you know is feeling called to study and learn about plant medicine more deeply, or If you are feeling a call to sit with ayahuasca, kambo, buffo or any other medicine of the earth - I invite you to explore my plant medicine 101 masterclass. I answer the most common questions about plant medicine and share everything I wish I knew before I started my journey - like what medicines do what, what each spirit of every medicine feels like, what experiences of ceremony look like, and how to make the safest decisions for yourself on the journey to healing with plant medicine work. For more you can visit Hello my gorgeous love bird. It feels so incredible to say this..... almost surreal to type. But as I send this pre-written letter to you I am literally in flight on my way to Peru to sit with a shaman and go on a three week long jungle trip to study deeply with the most profound plant medicine that changed my life: Ayahuasca.  If you have been following me over