Hello Fellow Kids

Hooky (Hello Fellow Kids #55)



In another new move to prove just how hip and current they are, Mara and Josh tackle a popular webcomic series! Specifically, the print release of Miriam Bonastre Tur's Hooky. Follow them as they read 400 pages of comics in a way different from how it was originally intended! Also discussed: Colonel Sanders, Gundam Wing, iyashikei, Elizabeth II, Everything Everywhere All at Once, and r/catsstandingup. Next month we will be doing a special end-of-the-year episode, and will return to book discussions in January with The Vanderbeekers of 141st St by Karina Yan Glaser. Contact us at hfkpodcast@gmail.com or @hfkpodcast on Twitter and Instagram. We're also on GoodReads: www.goodreads.com/user/show/90379252-josh-mara Theme music composed by Ben Ash. Visit him at www.benash.com. Mixing and drums by Chaz Bommarito, guitar by Jakael Tristram. Note: This month's episode is being uploaded in WAV format instead of MP3 due to technical challenges. Please let us know if this affects your downloading or listening experi