1mflourish's Podcast

Johannes Boshkow - Behavioral Science: The Key to Better Patient Outcomes for Baby Boomers



Imagine for a moment that you have been diagnosed with a chronic illness. Perhaps it's diabetes or heart disease. You know that if you don't take care of yourself, the consequences could be severe. So you diligently follow your treatment plan, checking your blood sugar levels or taking your medication every day without fail.But then one day, life gets in the way. You miss a dose of medication, or you forget to test your blood sugar. It seems like no big deal at the time, but soon enough, you start to slip into old habits. Before long, you're back to square one, struggling to manage your illness.And that's where behavioral science comes in. Behavioral science is the study of understanding human behavior. It helps us understand how we can change our behavior for the better, and how we can make lasting changes in our lives.It's not easy to change our habits, but behavioral science offers us a roadmap for success. With enough patience and effort, we can overcome any obstacle and achieve o