Purple Patch Podcast

Episode 239: Fixing the Broken Model of Traditional Fitness



If you are like many fitness enthusiasts, athletes, and those looking to improve their health and fitness while balancing the demands of work, family, and life, you may be struggling or disatisfied with the results. Maybe you invested in your fitness journey and your body composition or fitness profile is not improving Maybe you're stuck in an injury cycle. You are not alone. Many people are struggling to find their performance recipe within the framework of today’s traditional fitness model. The fitness landscape is saturated with gyms, group fitness classes, strength programs, and get-ripped-quick schemes that promise everything under the sun yet usually deliver little in the way of long-term growth. The stale routines and lack of results of programs that are narrow in scope and broad in guidance only compound the frustration by introducing a blizzard of information and performance-enhancing strategies that deliver nothing more than broken promises of improved body composition, better health, and longevity.