For The Good | HERE FOR GOOD (Pt. 2) | Filipe Santos



We’re told and taught that greater numbers means greater impact. That scale is what matters most. That the more people we can influence, the better… right?But what if it’s not actually about how many people we can impact, but rather how much we can impact a few - or even just one?Join us today as we continue with week 2 of our Here For Good series. Together, we’ll learn what it means to live out God’s calling for each of us to love, serve, and fight for “the one.” Check-in to let us support you in your journey. If you’re new here, you’ll also receive a free digital gift card!→  Follow along with the message notes:→  Decided to follow Jesus? We’d love to guide you in the next steps in your faith journey!→  If this message encourages you, SHARE IT with a friend!