Podcast Rodeo

Martha Runs the World Podcast?



Comments on Martha Runs the World Podcast? 888-563-3228 Description A podcast with an honest and open look at running, fitness and all things health-related with a bit of humor and saltiness thrown in. Website https://www.martharunstheworld.com/ (https://www.martharunstheworld.com/) Opinion For a sixth episode, this isn't bad. I felt the music was a little loud on your intro, but I was glad to hear a nice explanation of the podcast, and a nice tease on the guest. When you switched to talking about your guest your audio quality got slightly worse, but nothing too bad (but whatever did, don't do that). You also lost most of your energy when you switched to OBVIOUSLY reading. You also were talking about a race and in some cases described the race, but as I'm not familiar with the town or race, this didn't work for me. Tell me what is different about this race, but I don't need turn by turn directions. Those don't work on an audio podcast. If you're going to script your show the key is to write exactly like