Next Level Nutrition Biz

Day in the Life of a Nutritionist with Tracey from Harper Health and Wellness



In this episode, Stephanie is talking with Registered Holistic Nutritionist and Fitness Coach, Tracey Harper from Harper Health and Wellness, all about a day in the life of her nutrition business. Tracey shares how she started her nutrition business with the support of Stephanie’s course Launch Your Nutrition Biz, and was able to start working with 1-1 clients, create a group program, and start a membership in only a few short years. Tracey also shares how she focuses her nutrition practice on food freedom and how she has been able to support her clients in many different ways within this niche.In today’s episode, you’ll learn: How Tracey started her nutrition business The different programs and courses she invested in early on in business How she sets up her weekly schedule to stay organized How she got more comfortable using social media to grow her business