Charlotte Angel Connection

Charlotte Angel Connection Episode 137: David Jones, General Partner with Bull City Venture Partners



  Today we welcome David Jones, General Partner of Bull City Venture Partners to the podcast.  BCVP has a great reputation across NC and the southeast and they just finished raising their 3rd fund. Over the pandemic, David reached out to me twice to check in and see how I was doing – and I’m not an investor in the fund or a company they’ve invested in. In a recent conversation with David, it hit me how founder friendly he had to be based on my interactions with him.   I had also recently been having conversations with founders who seemed timid to ask their venture partners/investors questions about what they can/can’t do with company stock or how they should treat certain business situations that greatly impacted them.  As such, I reached back out to David to see if he would be willing to do a podcast discussing what it means to him when someone says a venture firm is founder friendly. Naturally, we start off the podcast learning more about David and how Bull City Venture Partners has developed over the y