Pregnancy, Birth And Beyond

What's IVF like? With Holly Rankin-Smith



In this episode, host Rose Ricketson talks with community development worker Holly, about her experience with IVF in Australia. Holly shares a very personal IVF journey that impacted every corner of her life, shedding light upon a very common experience, so we can each have more awareness of what the IVF is like for the women and couples in our communities, and how we could better support them through it all. We also explore the issues related to the IVF industry and the inequality of access, and look at ways we can help amplify the stories of people navigating this journey. Holly Rankin Smith is a community development worker with a passion for advocacy, activism and social change. With over 15 years experience in the sector, she has worked on projects addressing a range of social challenges from isolated elderly in aged care to at to at risk rural youth. She is also a marriage and funeral celebrant and is fascinated by the ceremonies and rituals through life and death. Holly is passionate about shifting the