Conscious Soul Growth With Molly Mccord

Reprogramming Mind and Intuition with Mars in Gemini squaring Neptune in Pisces



From the middle of October through nearly the end of November (and one more time in March 2023), Mars in Gemini will be squaring Neptune RX in Pisces and creating an additional slow down for Mars to move through, especially during his retrograde phase from October 30 until January 13. Mars is receiving blasts of energy that take him out of his normal operating procedures and reliance on the mind, body, and personal needs. This ongoing square is dissolving those tendencies to say, do, move, or express with clarity, as Mars is being required to be more receptive to his intuition, feelings, heart messages, and a higher perspective beyond the present moment. Communication issues are more likely, including misunderstandings, missed messages, and not hearing or knowing all the information. The Masculine expressions of Mars are being flooded by Feminine energies from Neptune. More to share in this podcast episode.    ~ 2023 Soul Growth Astrology Webinars ~ The major astrology of 2023 and how the energies will show