Dementia Matters

National Efforts to Standardize Brain Scan Data for More Accurate Alzheimer’s Risk Predictions



Dementia Matters Special Series: The National Strategy for Alzheimer's Disease Data and Research Part 4 Brain imaging is a key tool in Alzheimer’s disease research and diagnoses, allowing scientists to see changes in the brain years, even decades, before an individual experiences symptoms of dementia. The data these images provide researchers with is incredibly useful, leading the National Alzheimer’s Coordinating Center to take up numerous efforts to standardize, unify and share this type of data across the Alzheimer’s Disease Research Centers. Dr. Beth Mormino joins the podcast to discuss the NIA’s SCAN initiative, the new “legacy” data set, and the importance of standardizing MRI and PET scan procedures to predict brain trajectories better. Guest: Beth Mormino, PhD, assistant professor, Stanford University Show Notes Learn more about Dr. Mormino’s presentation on the SCAN Legacy project by reading her presentation slides on NACC’s website. Listen to Dr. Mormino’s last episode on Dementia Matters, “The Scie