Badass Business Podcast

EP285: My Four Day Prayer Portal of Transformation & How to Create one for Yourself)



*The doors are officially open for Wild Wealthy Feminine!  August 29th-September 2nd. Sign up here:* Hello beautiful family! In todays episode of the Lauren of Love Podcast I have a special treat for you! I am sharing about my four day prayer portal of transformation! If you guys have been watching along on my instagram, you know that in August around Lions Gate I decided to create a four day container of self healing for myself. The results were absolutely amazing. In this episode I share with you  -How to create a prayer portal for yourself as a means to heal, release and rewrite old frequencies that feel like they are keeping you stuck -Some of the guidelines of how I create these portals - practices and rituals for really connecting to yourself  -The power of using Nature and the element spirits to get support on your healing journey.  -My journey each day of my four day experience!  Have fun diving into this one and I really do hope you try out