Lyme Ninja Radio - Fight Lyme Disease Like A Ninja

#14 - Lyme Ninja - Brenna Faulk - Montana



After Hurricane Katrina, Brenna Faulk and her family moved from Louisiana to Montana. She was sick off and on for several years, deteriorating rapidly after coming down with what she thought was strep throat, but she never got better. This sent her to a series of doctors, first to her local doctors, then out to the Mayo Clinic in Phoenix, Az, and finally out to a doctor in California, who prescribed an iGenix lab which proved the presence of Lyme, Babesiosis, Anaplasmosis, and central nervous system involvement. Brenna has been diagnosed with neurological Lyme, and receives IV antibiotics to combat her symptoms. She has been combating Lyme now for five years. After getting diagnosed and educating herself, Brenna started a fundraising website called Twyst of Lyme, dedicated to raising funds for Lyme disease research and education. She also shares updates for Lyme disease legislation, and updates for fundraising and awareness events.