Lyme Ninja Radio - Fight Lyme Disease Like A Ninja

#84: Lori Dennis, MA, RP - Author, Lyme Madness - A Memoir About Chronic Lyme Disease



Lori Dennis, MA, RP is a psychotherapist in the Toronto area and the author of Lyme Madness scheduled to be published in the fall of 2016 - it’s a memoir and cautionary tale about chronic Lyme disease. The story is driven by her son's illness and their harrowing journey - from a cascade of acute symptoms to the many missteps toward diagnosis to the various stages and shades of hard-won healing. Lori hopes her book will bring further validation to the many sufferers, greater action within the medical community, and will wave a red flag to other mental health professionals who may not be aware that chronic Lyme disease is a critical differential diagnosis.