Lyme Ninja Radio - Fight Lyme Disease Like A Ninja

#254: Mackay Rippey - Toxins and Nitric Oxide's Role in Pain and Inflammation



In this episode you will learn three things. 1) How toxins in your environment are causing inflammation. 2) What exactly is NOS uncoupling and how it sabotages your DNA 3) Lot’s of other really geeky stuff about how all this damages your heart Mackay Rippey is an acupuncturist in Clinton, NY ( the host of Lyme Ninja Radio. He'll never forget the Sunday morning he dragged his sorry-feeling-self to the bathroom and found a perfectly formed bullseye on his left arm. He was lucky, able to return to his acupuncture practice after only few days. It's possible to beat the bacteria that are making you sick. he has and so have many others, but you have to be smarter than Lyme its co-infections. That's why he created Lyme Ninja Radio. To help people like you outsmart Lyme.