
46. How Your Vagus Nerve Impacts Weight Loss



Now listen, I’ve chatted about the vagus nerve before. But, never specifically about how it correlates with weight loss. And, well, we need to. Because, the conversations around calories in and calories out are simply too broad to truly and adequately describe the intricacies of the body. So, let’s take a deeper dive into what the vagus nerve is, how it functions, and how your vagus nerve impacts weight loss (meaning, body fat loss). For newer listeners out there, I need you to know a few things. One, I talk about these subjects because there is a huge need for the deeper understanding about how diet culture is controlling too many people’s lives. I discuss weight loss, weight gain, inflammation, body image and more. Why? Because I have witnessed, and I have felt the sting, of being obsessed with yourself and how your body presents. I have felt it in generations of my family. And, I have personal experience with people commenting on my body when it was closer to 250 pounds and when it was closer to 150 poun