Christ Church Jerusalem

We Have Profaned | Rev. David Pileggi



We Have Profaned Succot (Tabernacles) is not just a time for God’s people to rejoice, but is a holiday for all the nations. God desires to redeem the nations, not just individuals, but they are bound up in disobedience with idolatry is its chief expression. The people of God should be a "light to the nations” and model a clear alternative to idolatry. Holiness is not only a separation from evil, but to attach to Goodness. But so often our attachments and dependence upon created things and not our Creator has desecrated His name among the nations and brought us nothing but chaos and more. The rejection of all forms of idolatry must begin in the house of God and then will we be able to call the nations to repentance. Blessed by our teachings? Consider saying thank you with a small (or large) donation.
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