Teaching With Inquiry

Get Ready For Your TPA! - Teacher Performance Appraisal



Did you get a notice that you were going to be TPA'd this year? It's a good reminder that we should be TPA ready now.  It's time to set yourself up for success by ditching those worksheet workbooks we relied on so much during 2020-2022 and start to get back to the art of teaching.  In this episode, Patti covers what questions you should be asking yourself now to get TPA ready now so that when your evaluation comes you are ready to rock it without the stress and pressure.- Learn what questions to ask so you are ready to show a commitment to student learning. - Learn what professional practices and pedagogy your principal may be looking for.  To find our highly effective, time-saving resources Checkout our Madly Learning Store at www.madlylearning.com/storeCheckout our Teachers Pay Teachers storeJoin our FREE Facebook community for teachers here: https://bit.ly/IYT-FB