C View Quantum Network

C View 2022 BioField Clearing & DNA Healing: Thriving During the Great Shift



C View 2022 BioField Clearing & DNA Healing Podcast - Dr Jane Smolnik, ND. This month episode: Thriving During the Great Shift! Abilities and Potentials you can access NOW! Deepening Intuition, Using Sacred Geometry & expansion skills! call (805) 830-8344 Shortlink: http://tobtr.com/12144202 We'll explore not only 5D, but using 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th dimensions for healing as well! We have anchored into a new mode of consciousness based in the Heart and Soul. #TAKEMYCALL “Pay what you can” – we are now following the “Pay-what you can” businessmodel – you pay what you feel our services are worth to you –  Paypal.me/Pureco and add the amount you want for our services: https://www.cview1111.net/takemycall.html Identify, Clear and Neutralize fears, trauma's, trapped emotions, blocks, cords, stressors, negative energies, limitations, ancestral patterns, etc. Release old baggage. Free up your creative abilities and empower your innate intelligence! We ALL have blocks, trauma's, cellular memories, tra