Your Mileage May Vary

Youth, Vanity and Sugar Baby Allowances, Masturbation Handedness, Surprise Sex Workers, Washing Penises



It's that time of the week again, and we've found a trove of data about how much money sugar babies can expect to get out of sugar daddies for a regular "arrangement." Answer: "Not much." I remember in my younger wealthy days a friend pointed out to me that he could "tip every cab driver $100 from now on" and never run out of money. You'd probably have to up that to $200 to account for Bidenflation, but the point remains the same. These ladies aren't really what I'd call "well paid." Set against the minimum wage in California, which is set to rise to $22, $2000 or $3000 per month doesn't sound like a lot. I once misplaced many dozens of times that in a cupboard. We talk about sex too. A man is confounded by a friend hiring sex workers when he wasn't ready to see said friend have an erection, much less an orgasm. Another likes to wash his penis very very quickly after sex. We get a lot of our questions from the Reddit, so for our listeners' enjoyment, here are links to some of the questions we discussed this