Next Level Nutrition Biz

26. How You’re Holding Yourself Back in Your Business



You feel like you’re doing everything right in your business - you have your forms ready, you’ve got your website launched and you have your social media accounts started - but for some reason, the clients aren’t flowing in!In this solo episode, Stephanie sits down and chats about the #1 thing that is holding you back in your business - visibility! She shares about her own experience with spending hours behind the scenes in her business only to realize that she wasn’t putting herself out there for her clients to find her. Things shifted and clients started to come in when she put herself out into the community more, and she wants to teach you how to do the same. Think of this episode as a pep talk to get you motivated and finally ready to put yourself out there! Stephanie shares a ton of actionable tips on how you can get more visible in your business starting today, and finally kick fear in the butt! -------- Show NotesStephanie’s WebsiteLooking for 1-1 coaching support? Book in your free 30 minute strat