Next Level Nutrition Biz

43. Organizing Your Nutrition Business with Practice Better CEO Nathalie Garcia



Ever feel like you're wearing 10 hats in your nutrition business?  From scheduling your client in, to accepting payment, sending forms, communicating with your client, sharing handouts.....the list of administrative work can be endless!  This is where Practice Better comes in. Practice Better is a Client Management Platform that will help to simplify all of your administrative work. It's like having an assistant at your fingertips! In this episode, Stephanie is talking with Practice Better CEO Nathalie Garcia all about the platform and what it can do to help you in your nutrition business. The two share about their own experiences in their nutrition businesses and how overwhelming it can be when trying to juggle all. of. the. things.  Learn how Practice Better can help you: - Schedule your clients in - Accept payment - Send client forms - Run your client sessions - Communicate with your client - Send meal plans and supplement recommendations - Run group programs ....all in the Practice Better platform!