She Sesh

It’s Not Just A Bad Period Series with Sam- Her On going fight to access expert excision surgery



Disclaimer- The stories you are about to hear are the personal experiences of each individual and the views expressed by guests are their own. Please listen with discretion as this series contains mature content that could possibly be triggering to some individuals. Mention of depression, suicidal ideation, medical trauma, sexual assault, disorder eating and other sensitive topics may come up. Please listen at your own discretion and remember this podcast is never meant to be taken as medical advice. The stories in the It's Not Just A Bad Period Series are difficult to listen to.  And I want to keep it that way because they aren't just stories, but the harrowing realities of each warrior that is bravely taking part. Although endometriosis was first identified over 160 years ago, substantial gaps in adequately addressing this disease remains. From research being severely underfunded to outdated medical procedures still being used, this disease is a beast to live with but existing in the current medical system