Legends Library

Legends Library: New Jedi Order- Vector Prime, Dark Tide: Onslaught & Dark Tide: Ruin



The New Jedi Order book series has experienced a love-hate relationship with fandom over the years. But that is not going to keep Randy and Luke from tackling the largest series of books in the Legends timeline. This month they kick it all off with the first three books of the series, Vector Prime written by R.A. Salvatore and Dark Tide 1 and Dark Tide 2 duology written by Michael Stackpole. They are taking a huge risk-taking on such a monumental task but to move on in the timeline it must be done. So grab your amphistaff, load up on thugbugs and jump into your Corral Skipper as we all join Legends Library for the ride through the New Jedi Order!