Wise Skies Astrology Podcast

Progressions and Time Lords: Two Astrology Techniques to put in your purse



Have you ever looked at the astrology forecast and felt a little disconnected? Like - there's something bigger going on with you? If so - it's time to explore another facet of astrology: progressions and time lords. In this interview, Sasha Boyle shares how she uses these two techniques in her sessions and reads Tiffany as a sample exercise. Come learn why the first 90 days of your time on Earth becomes 90 years of your progressed chart! Book a Session with Sasha here: https://schedulewithwiseskies.as.me/SASHA Find Sasha's recent article on Cazimi here: https://wiseskiescollective.com/cazimi-a-magical-moment/ Read more of Sasha's work here: https://bringtoaboyle.substack.com/