Flame On!

Enter... The Sandman



Where do you go when you fall asleep? Some might say you see the lives you lead in other parallel universes. Some might even say that your nightmares can consume you. Morpheus, The Sandman, AKA the lord of The Dreaming, would tell you that you have entered his domain and that everything that happens there is his!It's a very special episode of Flame ON! dear listeners, as our hosts have found the gateway to The Dreaming and convened to discuss a topic that is very near and dear to their hearts. Every so often a piece of pop culture arises that our hosts have been waiting for and will devour readily in order to share their opinions and this topic just so happens to be one! Adapting The Sandman, the beloved graphic novel series written by Neil Gaiman and released from January 1989 until March 1996, Netflix always had an extremely difficult task at hand. How do you take a world of such rich imagination and turn it into reality? The answer seemed to be, to throw $165 million dollars into the production! Did t