Purple Patch Podcast

Episode 237: Breaking the Injury Cycle (Part 3) - 6 Principles of Injury Management



You’ve done everything you can to avoid injury. You focused on fueling and hydration, followed a well-balanced strength and conditioning program, removed intensity when needed, and diversified your training to include a multisport approach. You leveraged all of the strategies Matt covered in the first two episodes of our three-part series on injury prevention and management. Despite your best efforts, you now find yourself fending off the niggles and worry about it becoming a larger issue. In our final segment on breaking the injury cycle, Matt moves beyond strategies for injury prevention and digs into the painful reality of coping with nagging injuries. In this episode of the Purple Patch Podcast, Matt provides insight, based on patterns he has seen as a coach over many years, on how to avoid getting stuck in a cycle of injury and successfully emerge ready to train and compete. Matt shares 6 principles that are important to apply a smart and pragmatic approach to overcoming the niggles and injuries. Unders