1mflourish's Podcast

Alex Cahana - Baby Boomers, Blockchain and Beyond: How Web 3.0 Technologies Improve Health



Baby boomers have always been known for their innovative thinking and for being on the forefront of new technologies. Now, as they enter retirement, baby boomers are once again at the forefront of innovation, this time in the form of Metaverse, Blockchain, and Web 3.0 technologies. While these new technologies offer a world of potential, they also come with a unique set of challenges.One of the biggest challenges is figuring out how to use new technologies to their advantage. Many baby boomers grew up in a time when everything was done offline, so adapting to a world where everything is online can be difficult.They also worry about online safety. Also, baby boomers must navigate a complex financial landscape where it can be hard to determine if assets are worth acquiring. Finally, baby boomers must learn how to use these technologies in conjunction with each other.There are also numerous opportunities. As baby boomers age, the healthcare industry is preparing for an influx of patients. Blockchain technology h