Lattes With Leia

Lattes with Leia Show #8: The Best Episode



It's here! The eighth episode of Lattes with Leia! Amy and Drea are reunited at last. Before we jump into this month's topic, we spend time catching up on each other's highlights from Celebration Europe and San Diego Comic-Con and talk about the latest Star Wars things we're obsessed with (yes, there are some links below - the dress Drea mentions is sadly sold out, though). Then, we go on to discuss superlatives in Star Wars -- the best Jedi, the best Sith, the best friend, etc. Listen and then share your bests with us. Follow Amy on Twitter: @amy_geek Follow Andrea on Twitter: @ArkhamAsylumDoc Contact Lattes with Leia: Follow Lattes with Leia on Twitter and be sure to let us know what you think of the show! Purchase your Lattes With Leia tee shirt here Purchase the official Lattes With Leia coffee mug here