Unspoiled! Orphan Black

Orphan Black, S04E06- The Scandal Of Altruism



Wow. So this is an episode and a half, huh? What a brutal series of events, and what a nasty twist! I pretty much spend the first ten minutes of the show railing about how much I hate Evie, because that tricksy bitch is just evil and I want SOMEONE, anyone, to take her down please. The emotional punch at the end of this episode is really surprising to me because we've been given such a short amount of time to get to know Kendall so I wouldn't really have expected to care about losing her as much as I did. But the old bag was really loveable despite (or maybe because of) her attitude, and I know that Siobhan is going to be a wreck over this. Plus this is when Cosima finds out that Delphine was shot to death, so we're going to have two major player deeply grieving over the next however many episodes. And grieving people do crazy things. Plus there's the whole little side plot with Krystal walking right into the police station where Art and Duko are, which was a delightful little wrench to throw into the works.