Unspoiled! Legion

Legion, S02E03- Chapter 11



Hey there, listeners! Maggie and I will not have an episode of Legion for you next week, as I will be traveling to see family, so hopefully this one will tide you over. I will miss you! This chapter of the story was one of those pieces of the puzzle that feels like it should be more meaningful than it is. The bits where John Hamm narrates factoids about the nature of reality and the history of societal manipulation are interesting, for sure, but they don't necessarily feel like they're actually relevant to what's happening on-screen. There's a suggestion here that the weird historical instances of people all taking on the same physical tic are the same as the teeth-chattering psychic virus that the Mi-Go order monk causes in people...except that he's not affected by this virus. He's obviously inflicting it on purpose. It's a superpower. So why try to undermine that? Then there's what could have been a fascinating look into the minds of those who are infected, but they're not very satisfying. Ptonomy's "brain-