The Travelers

156: Travel to Build Change with Bret Love – Part 1



  “A lot of people… hear the word “eco-tourism” and they think it’s just about protecting the environment. But to me, “eco” stands for ecology but it also stands for economy. And eco-tourism is not responsible unless the local communities benefit from the preservation of the eco-system. If they don’t benefit economically from it, then it has no hope.” - Bret Love In this episode, get to know the founder and mind behind Green Global Travel, and Green Travel Media — two services helping brands and destinations raise awareness of their green initiatives and to build up a vibrant community of writers and organizations working together in tandem to give Ecotourism a broader, more prominent international platform. Bret Love is a music journalist and travel writer — who along with his wife launched Green Global Travel to pursue a passion around eco-tourism. A Quick Preview How a single transformational experience with an elephant while on safari changed the trajectory of Bret’s entire life from music journalism to