The Travelers

188: Digital Nomads in Berlin with DNX Global



Max Breckbill is an American in Germany, and together with his partner, Marcus Meurer, they’ve been embedding themselves into the entrepreneurial scene there in Berlin. Marcus founded DNX Global - The Digital Nomad Conference, which is happening on July 31st 2015, featuring a number of digital nomad speakers who have been on this show. In Berlin, Max runs series entrepreneurial community activities among aspiring and successful independent people in Berlin seeking support, help, and to spend time with like-minded people. So many travel shows focus on what people call location independence and lifestyle entrepreneurship - and while I cover these topics, as well as respect and practice them myself —  I say this a lot on this show — entrepreneurship may not be for everyone, but travel should be. And in this episode, we explore who these two guys are, and what the creative scene in Berlin might be like, particularly for digit and the role they see themselves filling in their lives there. Explore further Max Brec