Unscrupled! Alias

1x01 Truth Be Told



As the UNspoiled! empire grows in influence and power,  more and more pieces of pop culture will be covered in depth, and ultimately this podcast will control the populace with an iron fist. The first step in Natasha's inevitable world domination is the first franchise show. In this episode, meet Bitches & Money, two supergay fans who decide to step into the wayback machine to cover Alias, which is what happens when you take James Bond and Charlie's Angels and Cher's closet fromClueless and put them all in a blender. Then you pour it over a skinny white girl like so much liquid latex. It works best if Ben Affleck is not involved, but it's not a requirement. In this episode, Sydney fucks up everything. And Bitches is really pissed about the mishandling of classified info. Money is more forgiving, but he also has no intelligence experience (not that Bitches does).   And because 25% of the show (and 90% of the marketing) was based on Jennifer Garner wearing something really impractical, we invited two fabulo