Real Estate Sales Show with Danny Morel

Multiple Streams of Income , Multiple Streams of Business



Winning is foreign to some of us because we’ve been surrounded, taught, and influenced by human beings who don’t think winning is possible. How does this make us focus on the wrong things? What is the progression of a business from year 0 to year 10? Why is growing a business more important than hustling? On this episode, we talk about how to rise to the level of mastery by focusing less on the BS, and more on the goal. "In any business, there is a target you have to set that shows you are in the game." -Danny Morel Tactics + Takeaways Producing must become more important than how you produce. Winning in the real estate business = 30 deals or more. In the first 3 years, focus on winning. In years 4-6 you can start specializing. Years 7-10 is all about mastery. Mastery in real estate comes from focusing on listings and investments. At the start of the show, we talked about the principle of freedom in your life and business, and the importance of not being consumed and distracted when it comes to w