Real Estate Sales Show with Danny Morel

128 Brian Edwards - Breakdowns to Breakthroughs



On this episode, I’m answering questions to help take you from Breakdowns to Breakthroughs! I’m also excited to introduce to you Brian Edwards, a.k.a., The Breakthrough Expert. After working for my team, Brian decided to go out on his own and closed two deals during the eight months he was away. Now he’s back and he’s trending towards a quarter of a million dollar year! What led to his breakthrough? Tune in to find out! Jacob Saldivar from San Antonio, TX: Hey Danny! Quick question. As a new agent do you recommend I join a bigger brokerage that has more training and lead generation but takes a bigger cut or join a small brokerage that doesn’t really supply anything but has a flat fee? Thanks! Pedro Vita from London: My name is Pedro and I’m 21 years old. I started my business in fashion industry, and just last year we opened our first office in London and it was going really well. Recently my phone prospecting hasn’t been the most effective, I booked appointments but they’ve constantly been cancel