Truth Be Told

Thai Buddhist Magick and More



Sadhu Dah will speak about internal energy cultivation for spiritual development and protection, from both Eastern and Western traditions. Sadhu Dah specializes in teaching sympathetic and animistic magic of Thai tradition, along with performing exorcisms and soul retrievals. He is a student of the Theravada lineage under Master Pong Sak and Master Thanaphol Pakdee, with years of experience and training with inner door secrets of Thai Buddhist Magick. After the Sadhu Dah became a Mophi in Theravada tradition he then had the privilege of studying under Rinpoches and Lamas from the Bonpo Tibetan lineage where he became a Lama through initiation. He is now a formal student in the Mao Shan sect of Taoism under High Priest Yong in Malaysia. Sadhu Dah also became a High Priest in a Norse Magic Wiccan Coven under Jeffery Deuel, and became a Master Hypnotist under the guidance of the Shambala Institute. A passionate practitioner in Fook Yuen Chaun and a Sechem Level Reiki Master among many other titles. Through a lo