Heal Endometriosis Naturally With Wendy K Laidlaw

#135 - The Meaning of Mourning



Wendy K Laidlaw talks about the importance of mourning and the deeper meaning behind the process of grieving a loved one. How in many parts of the world, mourning the passing of a loved one is more accepted and prevalent than it appears to be in the Western world. With the recent passing of Queen Elizabeth II and after the first memorial service which was held in Scotland, it became evident that women, children, and even grown men were deeply affected by her passing. Although few knew her personally, it may have been that this official mourning period in the UK allowed some of the population to finally take time to mourn the loss of close loved ones who had long since passed. A mourning period is meant to acknowledge a loss and integrate the blessings that person brought into the world. To negate or ignore or block feelings of grief or hurry through the pain of loss may have profound emotional and long-term physical effects on the body. Yet, with some simple science-based tools, one can be assisted in learnin