Sales Genius

Joe Ingram talks about "Ask" the newest book from Author Mark Victor Hansen and Crystal Dwyer Hansen.



Joe Ingram the Sales Genius is thrilled to have the long-time friends of the show Mark Victor Hansen and Crystal Dwyer Hansen here to share with us their book "Ask."   You were born with a destiny. Your job is to discover it. Once you begin to practice the art and science of asking to discover your destiny and start to move toward it, you can manifest innumerable blessings for yourself and others. This isn’t a complicated process; it’s a simple gift that lies dormant within you. Once you learn to access that gift, everything changes for the better. Ask! will help you access your hidden dreams and reveal them to be recognized and fulfilled in miraculous ways.  You matter. The world needs you to find your destiny and live it. This book is your guide. Start crossing the bridge to your destiny today!  Mark Victor Hansen: Focused solely on helping people from all walks of life reshape their vision of what's possible, no one is better respected in the area of human potential than Mark Victor Hansen.