Ktn: Sharon Lynne Wyeth

KTN : Dr. Margaret Rogers - Crystal Acupuncture and Teragram Therapy



Dr. Margaret Rogers - While most people today vaguely realize that the body is a working machine that generates energy, most of us don't understand the way energy flows, where it goes and what it does. Dr. Margaret Rogers' research with her clients and under medical supervision has validated ancient Oriental technique and merged them with exciting non-invasive methods. She has broken through old mindsets in creating this exciting new way to heal our bodies. Dr. Rogers has written two books, "Crystal Acupuncture and Teragram Therapy", and its follow up book, " Th Book of Crystal Acupuncture and Teragram Therapy Diagrams." about healing, six books that have a metaphysical orientation and two novels. Her books have been published in Western and Eastern Europe as well as Russia, Mexico, China and India.