Ktn: Sharon Lynne Wyeth

KTN: Marjory Wildcraft - The Grow Network



Marjory Wildcraft - Marjory Wildcraft is the founder of The Grow Network, which is the online home of a global community of people who produce their own food and medicine. The purpose of The Grow Network is to stop the destruction of the Earth. "Home grown food on every table" is the solution. Marjory was featured as an expert in sustainable living by National Geographic, she is the host of the Mother Earth News Online Homesteading Summit, and is a regular guest on Coast to Coast AM and Backwoods Home Magazine radio. She works with groups such as the Transition Town movement, and The Organic Consumers Association (millions against Monsanto). Many people in the survival and preparedness community fully endorse her work, such as the host of The Survival Podcast and Jim Rawles, perhaps the most famous survivalist in the world).