Ktn: Sharon Lynne Wyeth

KTN: Rhonda Sher - The Linked In Diva



Rhonda Sher has been speaking, training and writing about how to Leverage LinkedIn for more than a decade. She is the author of “The ABC’s of LinkedIn”, “Get LinkedIn or Get Left Out”, “The 2 Minute Networker” and “52 Ways to Boost Business with Your Business Card”. She is a sought-after speaker and trainer on everything related to LinkedIn.Rhonda a master at teaching business professionals how to attract referrals and new business using LinkedIn with strategies that most people don’t know. Her interactive presentation style combined with the real-life stories from the hundreds of people she has worked with leave her audiences laughing and learning.Rhonda’s has held key positions in the corporate world as well as being a successful entrepreneur. Her passion is sharing her knowledge of how to make connections that count, both online and offline and convert relationships to revenue and profiles to profit. I am delighted to introduce Rhonda Sher – who will tell you – if you are not LinkedIn – you might be left