Ktn: Sharon Lynne Wyeth

KTN: Linda Schurman - Astrologer and Author



Linda Schurman has had a private practice in astrology for almost 45 years. She serves an international clientele that includes corporations and individuals. She has written two books, "What Next? A Survival Guide to the 21st Century" published in 2007 containing targeted predictions that have recently unfolded such as the housing "crash" of 2007, the stock market "crash" of 2008 followed by a lengthy recession, the rise in gold prices, the BP environmental disaster in 2010, and the earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan in 2011.Her second book, published in 2012 is "Fast Forward, Surviving the Race to the Future" in which she discusses a great economical depression, climate change, challenges to the powerful elite, and historical cycles in humanity's history. Linda's goal is to educate everyone on these controversial topics to the extend that one can prepare themselves mentally and physically.