Ktn: Sharon Lynne Wyeth

KTN: Dr. Rina Shinn, MD - Adonis Cosmetic Surgery & Spa



Rina Shinn is a medical doctor and the medical director of Adonis Cosmetic Surgery and Spa. She earned her bachelors degree at Harvard College with honors and received a medical degree from the University of Illinois. She has been practicing general surgery in Pueblo, Colorado, since 1997 and has expanded her practice to incorporate cosmetic surgeries since 2008. Dr. Shinn noticed that there was a curious phenomenon among her cosmetic surgery patients that she never experienced with her general surgery patients. Some patients might have dramatic improvements in their looks after the surgery yet claimed that they couldn't see any difference. While she was puzzled over these repeated episodes, she discovered that Dr. Maxwell Maltz has described the same type of findings in 1960 when he wrote Psycho Cybernetics, mainly that everybody had a deeply held self-image and unless it is changed, any external improvements of the patient would not result in any improvement.Dr. Shinn has been incorporating the teachings of