Ktn: Sharon Lynne Wyeth

KTN: Susan Sheppard - Founder of Getting What You Want, Inc.



Susan Sheppard is the founder of Getting What You Want ,Inc., a life and love coaching organization focused on teaching women to own their feminine power and men to cherish women. She is on a mission to get people loved the way they want to be loved. She has a very successful track record of helping people heal their wounded heart, reframe their perception of the opposite sex and meet their perfect partner so they can find true intimacy, love and long term commitment. She is an award winning, best selling Amazon author of the books “How to Get What You Want From Your Man Anytime” and “Dating After 40¬ No More Excuses” Susan’s 40 years as a Registered Nurse in Emergency Services honed her crisis intervention skills as a coach. She is a self-proclaimed, self-awareness addict since 1978.Her eclectic background includes working directly for Michael Gerber, the renowned Business “E Myth” Guru for 3 years, being certified in NLP by Tony Robbins himself in 1990, In her varied life journey she has been a head