Ktn: Sharon Lynne Wyeth

KTN: Rosie Aiello - 11 Hours to Freedom



Rosie Aiello who has her MBA, she lived for 25 years in an environment where she was subjected to financial domination by her husband, we all know finances can be used to control another person, and psychological, emotional, and verbal abusive onslaughts. Some cultures treat women very differently than the culture does here in the United States. In order to escape this personal insidious situation she had to execute an escape plan across international borders for both herself and her daughter. Rosie was mentally beaten down by the time she arrived back in the United States where she proceeded to reinvent herself, start her own business, which she has expanded internationally, written a bestselling book and has become a sought after speaker. Rosie now assists women in finding their voice, recognize their self-worth and fulfil their potential. In other words, she is now assisting women to find their freedom. Rosie and her daughter are authors of the upcoming mother/daughter memoir called 11 Hours to Freedom wh