Nathan, Nat & Shaun

Nathan, Nat & Shaun Podcast - 10th November 2016



Mick the builder - Shaun's cousin has a fencing business so the guys wanted to get the low down on whether Trump's wall is possible.  Shaun Redhage from the Wildcats was shocked by the election (he's American). Got a game against the NZ Breakers on the weekend, the team injuries and the mannequin challenge. Is your boss an idiot? Trump certainly is and Nathan, Nat & Shaun have had one in their time too. Anna is at a building company where 2 bosses are causing hell and Scott stood up to his crappy boss and caused him to go on stress leave! Jane had to peel her bosses fruit and random things and Leah's boss wouldn’t ask her to do things directly - instead he just put things in her out-tray! Do you have border control at your house? Off the back of the Trump/wall chat - do you have rooms or rules in the house that are off limits?  Shane's dad has a finger print scanner to enter his home office and Leanne's hubby is not allowed to touch the towels! Valerie has padlocks galore to keep...  See omnystu