Nathan, Nat & Shaun

Nathan, Nat & Shaun Podcast - 11th November 2016



Who's the gullible fool in your life? Daisy pretended to be her friend Sarah for the whole year in year 8 and Deedrah convinced her partner that in Ireland you get a grant for having a ginger baby. Tyler told his girlfriend she can get burnt from the moon and Kevin told his wife Big Ben was turning in to a digital clock instead. Greg Hire is putting on the skippers hat this weekend against the NZ Breakers! He spoke about the game ahead and the dramas he's now facing having a baby when he just wants to go out for eggs. Liam Bartlett has an exclusive interview with Gable Tostee this Sunday on 60 minutes and he joined the guys to talk all about the facts behind the case. LISTEN HERE   See for privacy information.